Business Blog Technology Don’t lose your important business files to ransomware!

Don’t lose your important business files to ransomware!


Australian businesses are being forced to pay thousands of dollars to overseas hackers to rid their computers of an unbreakable virus known as Cryptolocker. The “ransomware” infects computers through programs and credible-looking emails, taking computer files and photographs hostage.

  • 74% of organisations have experienced data loss at the workplace.
  • 32% take several days to recover from data loss.
  • 16% never recover at all.

So, how can you secure your information?

For complete assurance it is useful to have both a physical local backup, as well as a cloud backup.

1. Purchase an external USB hard drive
2. Plug it in and using 2x Protect with a cloud back up such as MozyPro allows you to save your DATA on an external backup drive
3. Utilising MozyPro Cloud backup software allows you to store your critical DATA in the cloud, which can be restored either locally or to a network drive or another PC/MAC.

How does ransomware attack?

Ransomware (Cryptolocker) is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system. This type of malware forces its victims to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods in order to grant access to their systems, or to get their data back.

Ransomware is a growing threat. It is another underhanded method that cybercriminals use to try to separate you from your money. Once this malware is activated, it forces you to pay to get back control of your computer and/or your data. Plain and simple, this is extortion.

How can Cloud Backup Protect You?

Cloud Backup such as MozyPro will provide you the service of secure data centres, with military-grade encryption and the same cutting-edge technology used for online banking. Automatically updates your files across all your devices, so the latest versions of your files aren’t just safe, but they are also accessible anywhere.

This article was kindly supplied by our friends at Witz

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