Tell us a little bit about Rollce Engineering Pte Ltd.
Rollce Engineering is a multi-disciplinary engineering & construction Services Company, offering Integrated Solutions in the field of Energy & Environment Conservation, to serve a wide range of customer requirements with innovative and cost-effective solutions.
As a business owner, what are your top three priorities?
Quality, service support, and technology upgradation.
How did you get your idea or concept for the business?
From the market needs of our clients, who want to have cost-effective solutions which can lower than operating cost on the utility side, and a company who can do a complete job on turnkey basis- Concept to commissioning and take ownership of product/project and deliver on-time performance.
Is this where you thought you would end up?
I guess not, but certainly heading in the right direction.
What’s one thing you see small business owners failing to do?
Understanding client needs and providing solutions best to his needs ensuring lower operating costs, as for capital equipment goods, CAPEX is only 1 time, but OPEX (operating cost) is a lifetime(till the life cycle of product).
If Rollce Engineering could achieve just one goal in the next 12 months, what would it be?
Increasing customer base in some specific countries of SEA.
How long have you been a Servcorp client, and what has impressed you the most about our service?
Close to one year. Facilities needed for running a business office, location, and its staff all-impressive. ZERO DOWNTIME.
What has been the biggest benefit you’ve experienced as a result of working with Servcorp?
ZERO DOWNTIME OF CENTER, FULL FACILITIES, STAFF members, and Offices at prime locations in other Asian countries, which has resulted in us taking virtual office in Malaysia and the Philippines with Servcorp.
What’s an accomplishment that you are most proud of?
On the path of building a brand name for our company.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
Trust yourself, processes and be clear with short terms goals and not overlooking too far ahead. Customers should be at the center of all major decision-making. Go for Quality rather than quantity.
Website: https://rollce.in/
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